Creating your own distro not only requires careful planning and execution, but also vast knowledge of programing in linux. But gone are those days. The creators of OpenSUSE have launched a site, SUSE studio, where, with a few clicks of your mouse, you will have your own custom linux distro!

* You will be able to create appliances within the license agreement terms and to store them in your SUSE Studio Home.
* Your Home will have a certain amount of disk space depending on the number of SUSE Studio users.
* Inactive images will be deleted after a while, but this is no problem, it’s easy to restore them again with the appliance configuration file.
* The appliances are based on one of the following base systems JeOS, openSUSE 11.1, SUSE Linux Enterprise
* The templates offer different combinations of Server, Desktop, KDE, Gnome, Minimal X, 32 or 64 bit architecture
* The openSUSE build service repositories are shared with SUSE Studio and you can upload private rpms to your private repository
* You will be able to create Live CDs/DVDs, e.g. to demonstrate projects like Marble, Mono, etc. or Installation medias for special hardware, e.g. EeePC
Disk Images like Live USB sticks, e.g. running openSUSE 11.1 with KDE or Gnome without touching the hard disk of the machine
Server-appliances based on Xen Image or VMware Image, e.g. LAMP, Joomla, SUGARCRM, Wordpress, etc.


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