Whether you are looking for business web hosting for a corporate site or cheap web hosting for a personal site, there are numerous web hosting provider that will help you to accomplish for the same. These web hosting services are an Internet based service offering online arrangements to store data, descriptions through Web. There are varied numbers of web hosting companies among which some provide free web hosting service while some charges a fee.

Prior to signing up with any of the web hosting companies to avail any kind of service it is important to find out what kind of hosting service is best for you. While surfing net you will find different types of web hosting services: shared web hosting, free web hosting, clustered web hosting, and reseller web hosting, virtual dedicated server, dedicated web hosting, collocation web hosting service, grid hosting and home server.

1. Shared web hosting: Also known as “virtual hosting service” pertains to a web hosting service where many websites occupies on one web server wired to the internet. Though the site may occupy one common server they do not interfere with each other.

2. Free web hosting: It is free, usually advertisement-supported and of limited functionality, offering basic package for free and charges, for packages with more features. This type of service enables users to try their service for an initial trial and then upgrade when needed.

3. Clustered web hosting: Consist of multiple servers hosting the same content for better resource utilization. It proves to be a perfect solution for high-availability dedicated hosting, or creating an ascendable web hosting solution.

4. Reseller web hosting: This service allows the clients to become web hosts themselves on behalf of third parties. It is consider as an inexpensive way for web hosting entrepreneurs to start a company.

5. Virtual dedicated server: Also known as “virtual private server” bridge the gap between shared web hosting services and dedicated hosting services, giving independence from other customers of the VPS service in terms of software and at less cost than a physical dedicated server.

6. Dedicated hosting service: It is a type of Internet hosting where the client hires an entire server not shared with anyone. The client is solely responsible for the security and maintenance of his own dedicated box.

7. Colocation web hosting service: This is considered as the most powerful and expensive type of the web hosting service providing physical space that the server takes up and takes care of the server.

8. Grid hosting: It is a distributed form of hosting that offers online computation or storage as a metered commercial service.

9. Home server: It is a device, typically a PC or other computer, connected to a home network that provides services to other household devices such as file and/or printer serving, media center serving, web serving, account authentication, and domain control.

Web hosting services are helpful, in keeping proper track of your transactions, safe, convenient and reasonably priced.


There are a set of guidelines that need to be followed for choosing a web hosting provider. web hosting is the process of securing a space on the web and and then making use of them for the designated period of time that was decided by the concerned parties at the time when the names were being.
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